Dim, Dark & Divine: Have A Merry, Aesthetic, Gothic Christmas!



Christmas has always been full of glamour for the past few years. It has been filled with the vibrancy of red, green, gold, white and blue that always pops almost everywhere during the season of Christmas. In fact, a lot of unique decorations and color combination existed in the long run to establish the meaning of Christmas in homes and different establishments.

Red is the representation of the apples on the paradise tree mentioned in the Holy Bible
of the Roman Catholic Church and also the representation of Jesus’ blood when he died due to his crucifixion on the cross. Some say that it is because of the everlasting love that God is giving to his people, some say it’s not.

On the other hand, Green is for the Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe or the Evergreen branches that existed long years ago that is used by the Romans and Egyptians as a sign of good luck. In addition to this, it is also the visual representation of Lenten Season and the Paradise Tree itself.

Gold is the color of the Sun and Light – both needed in enlightening the dark winters that
happens every Christmas Season. It is also a color of fire, as well as the Red Color, that is needed to keep the warmth enduring around us during the chilly nights. It is also one of the presents brought to baby Jesus when he was born in Jerusalem, given by one of the three wise men. Traditionally, it is also the color used to show the star that the three wise men followed during their journey in the search for baby Jesus.

White is the symbol of purity, cleanliness and peace in western cultures. It is also the color of Christmas in some countries where snow exists when their climate is too cold during the days of Christmas season. It is also the symbol of the bread distributed by Jesus to his 12 apostles in the Last Supper.

Blue, on the other hand, is often associated with the Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus. In fact, in the medieval times, blue dye is more expensive than gold! It is used by the royal families and rich people in the ancient times. Mary is represented by the blue color to execute importance. Blue is also the color of the sky and heaven, where people believed the holy trinity exists.

These colors meant a lot and came from different cultures, traditions and beliefs, which is why people from the old times to the present commonly use these colors to represent the Christmas season. But do we really need these colors to feel the Christmas Season? Are we really boxed in the limits of using such, hindering our creativity in decorating and expressing self-expression in our house decorations? I guess not.

Gothic Christmas is another term for Black Christmas. It is a perfect fit for the people who find happiness in the dark! Ironic, isn’t it? How can Christmas be so “merry” if it’s filled with darkness? How is it even possible?

Here are a few unique recommendations on how to use the black color in a “merry” way and make the darkness turn into something happy, classic and aesthetic.


During Christmas, we shouldn’t hinder our creativity and imaginative minds. We can paint our walls black and add prints into it to make it more engaging and pleasing to the eyes. Stripes, Patterns, Wallpapers, Animations, Doodles and other creative stuff that uses the black color will never go wrong. The best color combination with this is the color White, another option for the wallpapers and a perfect contrast with the dark decorations!




The Christmas tree doesn’t have to be green all the time. Black pine tree can slay it! If you are not able to find any black-colored Christmas tree in the market, no problem! All you need to do is to pull out your old Christmas tree and paint it using a black spray paint.

To make it glamorous enough, use a glitter spray paint to top it up. By then, your tree would be glowing in black! Or if you want to do so, you can make it gradient or ombre. Spray the bottom part with white and the top part with black or vice versa to make it more elegant and unique.

With the decorations, Christmas balls are good, but cut-out peace signs and silver glittered snowflakes will be the bomb. You can also add masquerade eye-masks to make it a little mysterious. Minimal yellow or white Christmas lights will fit, too, plus the black and white candy canes or stick-o’s for the kids to grab!




To pull it off well, add some gothic Christmas music! A kind of music that lies between dark and merry. To give a few examples, listen to this music list! It will surely leave you in awe:

a.       The Cruxshadows – “Happy Christmas (War is over)”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HAD-a5s89g

b.      Type O Negative – “Red Water (Christmas Mourning)”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-CUSIK7-Gs

c.       Alien Sex Fiend – “Stuff the Turkey”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA9TsaK2AwU

d.      Love Spirals Downward – “Welcome Christmas”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdafbvxbBNk

e.       London After Midnight – “The Christmas Song”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqtJyViD1mE

f.       Voltaire (featuring Unto Ashes) – “Peace in the Holy Land”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL2I7RuLUM0

g.      Faith And The Muse – “A Winter Wassail”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo_SfLZoVJY

h.      Rhea’s Obsession (featuring Athan Maroulis) – “We Three Kings”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UI56Pr6TEo

i. Danny Elfman – “Ice Dance” (from Edward Scissorhands)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMfs1rlw4tc

j. This Ascension – “Carol of the Bells”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s3IKkhnG5w

Credits: Buzzfeed Philippines



Lastly, iMillenials suggests changing your Santa into Krampus! Krampus is described as half-goat, half-demon that punishes children during the Christmas season. It is also known as the “evil santa.” This idea is a little bit too creepy for a Gothic Christmas theme.

So it is better to make it cuter and make it less scary than its original image. In fact, there’s a movie named ‘Krampus’ in 2015, a Christmas comedy-horror film about losing the Christmas Spirit and the bonding together to save one another from a monstrous fate.

Instead of standing Santa Claus figurines and posting Santa Clause post cards, why not make Krampus your subject and a little twist to make it a lot more fun and creative! Make Krampus’ image perceivable by the young ones and juice out the creativity inside them!



Voila! Your Gothic-Christmas theme is now implemented! All you have to do now is to buy black, fashionable and glamorous gift wrappers to wrap your gifts for your loved ones.

Now, your Christmas isn’t blinded by the vibrant colors of red, green, gold, blue and white. It is dim, dark and divine. It doesn’t have to be colorful to make it happy. Sometimes, a little aesthetic, uniqueness, creativity and imagination can make your dark life, shine.

Have a merry, aesthetic, Gothic Christmas, indeed!

Writer: AJ Pacheco

Photo credits: Google Images

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